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This Astro integration adds Alpine.js to your project so that you can use Alpine.js anywhere on your page.

Astro includes an astro add command to automate the setup of official integrations. If you prefer, you can install integrations manually instead.

To install @astrojs/alpinejs, run the following from your project directory and follow the prompts:

Terminal window
npx astro add alpinejs

If you run into any issues, feel free to report them to us on GitHub and try the manual installation steps below.

First, install the @astrojs/alpinejs package.

Terminal window
npm install @astrojs/alpinejs

Most package managers will install associated peer dependencies as well. However, if you see a Cannot find package 'alpinejs' (or similar) warning when you start up Astro, you’ll need to manually install Alpine.js yourself:

Terminal window
npm install alpinejs @types/alpinejs

Then, apply the integration to your astro.config.* file using the integrations property:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import alpinejs from '@astrojs/alpinejs';
export default defineConfig({
// ...
integrations: [alpinejs()],

You can extend Alpine by setting the entrypoint option to a root-relative import specifier (e.g. entrypoint: "/src/entrypoint").

The default export of this file should be a function that accepts an Alpine instance prior to starting. This allows the use of custom directives, plugins and other customizations for advanced use cases.

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import alpine from '@astrojs/alpinejs';
export default defineConfig({
// ...
integrations: [alpine({ entrypoint: '/src/entrypoint' })],
import type { Alpine } from 'alpinejs'
import intersect from '@alpinejs/intersect'
export default (Alpine: Alpine) => {

Once the integration is installed, you can use Alpine.js directives and syntax inside any Astro component. The Alpine.js script is automatically added and enabled on every page of your website so no client directives are needed. Add plugin scripts to the page <head>.

The following example adds Alpine’s Collapse plugin to expand and collapse paragraph text:

<!-- ... -->
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@alpinejs/collapse@3.x.x/dist/cdn.min.js"></script>
<!-- ... -->
<div x-data="{ expanded: false }">
<button @click="expanded = ! expanded">Toggle Content</button>
<p id="foo" x-show="expanded" x-collapse>
Lorem ipsum

The @astrojs/alpine integration adds Alpine to the global window object. For IDE autocompletion, add the following to your src/env.d.ts:

interface Window {
Alpine: import('alpinejs').Alpine;

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