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Experimental serialized configuration

Type: boolean
Default: false

Added in: astro@5.2.0

This feature allows access to the astro:config virtual module which exposes a non-exhaustive, serializable, type-safe version of the Astro configuration through two sub-modules.

For a complete overview, and to give feedback on this experimental API, see the Serialized Manifest RFC.

To enable this virtual module, add the experimental.serializeConfig feature flag to your Astro config:

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config"
export default defineConfig({
experimental: {
serializeConfig: true

Then, configuration values can be used by any file in your Astro project:

import { trailingSlash } from "astro:config/client";
function addForwardSlash(path) {
if (trailingSlash === "always") {
return path.endsWith("/") ? path : path + "/"
} else {
return path

The virtual module exposes two submodules for accessing different subsets of your configuration values. This protects your information by only making some data available to the client.

All available config values can be accessed from astro:config/server. However, for code executed on the client, only those values exposed by astro:config/client will be available.

The client submodule allows you to access a subset of the configuration values in astro:config/server that are safe to expose to the browser such as trailingSlash, build.format, i18n, and more. Use this submodule for client side code that is executed on the client.

This is a developing feature. For a full, up-to-date list of the configuration values available from astro:config/client, please see the proposed API from the feature RFC

The server submodule allows you to access a non-exhaustive set of your configuration values from astro.config.mjs. This includes astro:config/client values such as trailingSlash and i18n, but also more sensitive information about your file system configuration that is not safe to expose to the client such as srcDir, cacheDir, outDir. Attempting to use them on the client will raise an error.

This is a developing feature. For a full, up-to-date list of the configuration values available from astro:config/server, please see the proposed API from the feature RFC.

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