Caisy & Astro
هذا المحتوى غير متوفر بلغتك بعد.
Caisy is a headless CMS that exposes a GraphQL API to access content.
Using Caisy CMS with Astro
Section titled Using Caisy CMS with AstroUse graphql-request
and Caisy’s rich text renderer for Astro to fetch your CMS data and display your content on an Astro page:
---import RichTextRenderer from '@caisy/rich-text-astro-renderer';import { gql, GraphQLClient } from 'graphql-request';
const params = Astro.params;
const client = new GraphQLClient( `${import.meta.env.CAISY_PROJECT_ID}/graphql`, { headers: { 'x-caisy-apikey': import.meta.env.CAISY_API_KEY } });const gqlResponse = await client.request( gql` query allBlogArticle($slug: String) { allBlogArticle(where: { slug: { eq: $slug } }) { edges { node { text { json } title slug id } } } } `, { slug: params.slug });
const post = gqlResponse?.allBlogArticle?.edges?.[0]?.node;---<h1>{post.title}</h1><RichTextRenderer node={post.text.json} />
Official Resources
Section titled Official Resources- Check out the Caisy + Astro example on GitHub or StackBlitz
- Query your documents in draft mode and multiple locales.
- Use pagination to query large numbers of documents.
- Use filter in your queries and order the results